Ç. Yılmaz, T. Alkaş, D.Aslan, E. Büyüktopçu, O.Ö.Özener, Ö.Ü.İliş, B.C.Cüce
Competition Entry - 1st Prize
Building as a Machine.
Network of Studios.
Collective Platform.
Client: Pamukkale University
Size: 15,000 sqm
Year: 2016
The Architecture and Design Faculty Building is the first stop on the journey for students, and this stop appears as an interpretation of its existence in the geography in which it is located. This situation, which might be contextually read as isolation or alienation, is, in fact, a reference to new but timeless searches in architecture. In this sense, while the faculty building is escalating from campus, it finds the most pure state of architecture in nature and leans on the foothills of Mountain Karcı. Meanwhile, it talks with her, and it smells the hillside of the mountain, hugs its earth, and holds on to its rock.